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Ceremony £POA
Includes one personal choice of tune*, amplification, arrival of guests, arrival of bridge/groom, wedding service, signing of the register, hymns, music during departure of bride & groom and guests
Expected to be up to one and a half hours


Dinner £POA
Includes one personal choice of tune*, amplification and up to three hours of background music


Drinks Reception / Arrival of Evening £POA
Includes amplification and up to two hours of background music


* If more than one personal tune is requested to be learned there will be an additional charge per tune and I will need notice


Personal quotations for any individual or combinations of the above available


Funeral Services

Mairi can provide harp, violin/fiddle, and voice/cantor services as part of funeral services.


For other events such as business functions please get in touch. In addition to performing solo for weddings, funerals and business functions, Mairi can also perform at functions as a duo, trio or as part of a ceilidh band.

Price List: List
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